Should Teachers gift one point if it makes the difference in a student’s letter grade?
By George Wilson / October 5, 2021
Written by Mister Wilson-Astoryplus Children’s Books The class itself has ended and all the opportunities to impact your grade have passed and you’re one point short! Perhaps you’ve been there as a student where one lousy point kept you from a better letter grade, the Dean’s list or even from passing a class. It… Read more
Do acceptable scores or grades require a certain amount of preparation time for children?
By George Wilson / October 3, 2021
Written by Mister Wilson-Astoryplus Children’s Books As parents we want our children to study, and we encourage them to do so. When we say study, we mean to prepare to be tested. But what we really are saying is that there is a certain amount of time require for them to perform to our… Read more