Written by Mister Wilson-Astoryplus Children’s Books
As good parents and caregivers there’s a genuine thoughtfulness and concern for your children. This manifest in safeguards to keep them from physical harm as well as exposure to some mental influences. This protective nature is pervasive and little escapes it’s screening.
Conflict in children’s books is one of those things the many do not allow to pass easily through their screening processes. Conflict is quickly and easily detected in children’s books because when it appears in the texts it is accompanied by visually descriptive illustrations. The most telling of these texts and illustrations are of war, fighting, attacks, verbal disputes, weapons, and other intensely descriptive disagreements. Conflict in children’s books stands out in such obvious ways that even the briefest of previews can usually pick it up.
Conflict is something that some view as bad in children’s books. Immediately the protective mechanisms are activated as soon as it is detected. Some who see the first signs of conflict in children’s books think that it’s reason enough to censor the books from their children. Their rejection of the books may be their way of preventing, restricting, or delaying exposure to conflict until a time the children are more ready or mature. So, for a select few the books may be rejected without any further investigation into the rest of the content or benefits.
Conflict as I have hinted, is not one of those things easily concealed in children’s books. Facts are, that conflict may be observed or detected on sight in the titles and illustrations on the front covers of many books. In such cases this could make them vulnerable to be rejected on first sight. But remember the oft used saying that “you can’t judge a book by its’ cover”? May I expand it a bit by saying “you can’t judge a book by its’ cover or the conflict it contains”.
Many good or excellent stories contain conflict in their texts and illustrations. Most of these scenes represent an intense and important part of the story. The presence of the conflict is intended to standout and be noticed by the readers or listeners. It is purposefully placed and central to the plots of the stories providing interest, excitement, and suspense. As the stories continue, the conflict provides the contrast needed to give the stories meaning and benefit. The lessons of the stories are made more clearer to the children’s because the change doesn’t just merge boringly or unnoticed into the rest of the content. The inclusion of conflict is one of the components thought to be essential to the development of any good book or story. Their presence alone is not sufficient to censor or reject the books because the stories are not the conflict isolated. The stories are a complex of interacting circumstances designed to unfold, playout and in the end relay some important and beneficial meaning. The importance of conflict in children’s books is to enhance children’s attention so that they are aware of their cause, how they may be prevented and how they may be resolved. Children may emerge from the reading of these stories equipped with beginning conflict resolution and needed problem solving skills. Written by Mister Wilson-Astoryplus Children’s Books
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